TA-136/2 Gulshan Link Road, Biddle Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

Company Short Description

AQWAM Consultants has shape to provide quality services to its clients, have the ingenuity and expertise in various disciplines of services. The service efforts primarily focus on urban sector, transport sector and corporate sectors. AQC has been providing services to the government, private and international organizations. AQC offers a full range of services starting from project conception right up to completion. AQC has a nucleus of professional consultants comprising various disciplines especially maintains strong coordination with relevant technical professional institutions like BUET.

Company Description

AQWAM Consultants has shape to provide quality services to its clients, have the ingenuity and expertise in various disciplines of services. The service efforts primarily focus on urban sector, transport sector and corporate sectors. AQC has been providing services to the government, private and international organizations. AQC offers a full range of services starting from project conception right up to completion.
AQC has a nucleus of professional consultants comprising various disciplines especially maintains strong coordination with relevant technical professional institutions like Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), University of Dhaka as well as other recognized public universities in home and abroad.


Personal Information

Buet ID: 9715026
Batch: 1997

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